Tuesday Tip: Beware of Thieves!

I’ve always considered myself fairly savvy when it comes to petty crime. While in London, though, my friend saved me from a phone thief.

The scam is thus: Thief comes into a restaurant/bar/cafe. This being the age it is, many of the customers will have their phones on the table. Thief pretends he is selling magazines/newspapers and goes to a table with a phone on it. Thief puts the magazine over the phone on the table, palming the phone while he displays what he’s pretending to sell.

The customers at the table are in the middle of conversation and, annoyed, quickly dismiss the thief. They don’t notice he’s taken the phone with them until it’s too late.

My friend had nearly lost her phone to such a thief while in Paris. So when the paper went over my phone as we were sitting at our favorite hot pot restaurant, she lurched across the table and grabbed the phone away. The thief ran off.

The simplest remedy would be to just not keep your phone on tables, but, if you’re like me and your phone has become an additional appendage, that’s not going to happen. I hope, then, that this cautionary tale helps keep your favorite possession safe!

Have you been the victim or attempted victim of a thief while on holiday? If so, please share your story with us!

Food, Glorious Food

Well, I’m back from London and adjusted to East Coast time again. My trip already seems like a distant memory—isn’t it funny how quickly we fall back into the grind of everyday life?

One of my favorite parts of any trip is exploring the local food scene. As usual, London did not disappoint.

Picture of tofu cutlet and mash from Manna in London, UK

Tofu cutlet and mash from Manna

Picture of vegan sticky toffee pudding from Manna in London, UK

Vegan sticky toffee pudding from Manna

Picture of vegan English breakfast from inSpiral Lounge in Camden, London, UK

Full English breakfast–vegan, of course!–from inSpiral Lounge

Picture of peach cake with vegan cream from Amico Bio in London, UK

Peach cake with vegan cream from Amico Bio

Picture of Vegan fish and chips from The Coach and Horses in London, UK

And, finally, my favorite discovery of all—vegan fish and chips from The Coach and Horses

What’s the best dish you’ve had while traveling?

Hoppin’ the Pond

It’s snowing right now. Again, still. In a few hours I’m supposed to take off for London, and every time I check the weather I’m astounded by the temperature differences between here and there.

London is at 52 degrees right now. We are at 21. I’ve been tempted to pack shorts and tank tops; 52 degrees is positively balmy these days.

Anyway, I hope to post a few times while I’m abroad. If not, I’ll see you in two weeks. Have lots of fun things planned that I can’t wait to share with you!