Primrose Hill

On the northern front of London sits Primrose Hill, a well-to-do neighborhood bubbling up from the touristy beacons around it, a refuge for the nouveau riche from the surrounding masses.

The neighborhood Primrose Hill is capped by a knoll of the same name. At more than 250 feet high, the proper Primrose Hill rewards its breathless climbers with an equally breathtaking view of the below capital city. The skyline sweeps from Westminster to points south and east, new skyscrapers dwarfing–but yet not overtaking–the building silhouettes of centuries past.

For months I lived in Primrose Hill’s shadow. And though I made frequent trips to Camden, and Hampstead, and everywhere between, I somehow never walked those 20 minutes to one of the highest points in London.

I finally made the plunge this year, and I hiked up that deceptively named “hill” to see all that London had to offer. The sky was hazy, the breeze cold. And I finally saw my city as I had never seen her before–from above.

Legend has it that it was from nearby Parliament Hill that Guy Fawkes intended to watch Parliament explode. This Bonfire Night, swing by Primrose Hill instead, and watch London come alive with color.

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